EARTH DAY Event this Saturday!

Don’t miss our EARTH DAY Event this Saturday, April 22nd, from 12-4pm at Sean’s Private Surf Instruction, Annex Surf Supply and Surf City Surf Shop. 534 Causeway Dr. Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480.
What better way to celebrate and honor our beautiful mother earth than by planting your own veggies and fruits? If you were thinking about growing your own tomatoes or peppers this summer but never got around to it, this is the time! We’ve got you covered! FREE!
We’ll have everything you need to plant your own veggies from seed; water, soil, recycled egg cartons and cups, and a variety of seeds. Come get your hands dirty for some free earth day fun! This will be a great project for the kiddos too!
We’ll also have a variety of young veggie plants which customer can pick up to 3 with proof of purchase from Sean’s Private Surf Instruction, Annex Surf Supply, or Surf City Surf Shop! We’ve started the veggies in recycled cups which are ready to easily transplant into your container or garden bed. It’s the perfect time of the year to get started!